Post by Gabrielle Dubois on Feb 22, 2011 12:49:32 GMT -5
907 // flexible // single // enchantress
[/size][/center]( GABRIELLE DUBOIS )
907 // flexible // single // enchantress
TOP TEN you remind me of a former love that i once
BEST FRIENDS knew and you carry little peace with
CLOSE FRIENDS you, we were holding hands, walki
GOOD FRIENDS ng through the middle of the street. it
AVERAGE FRIENDS 's fine with me. i'm just taking in t
PARTNERS IN CRIME he scenery. you remind me of a
OTHER HALF few of my famous friends; well, the all d
INSEPARABLE epends on what you qualify as friends
LIKE FAMILY you remind me of a few of my famous fr
NEW FRIENDS iends; well, that all depends on what yo
ACQUAINTANCES u qualify as friends. take a chance,
CHILDHOOD FRIEND take your shoes off, dance in the
FRIEND OF A FRIEND rain. i was splashing around and
ON AND OFF the news spread all over town; i'm not co
FORMER ENEMIES mplaining that it's raining, i'm just sayi
SECRET FRIENDS ng that i like it a lot, more than you thi
CONFIDANT nk if the sun would come out and sing with
CIRCLE OF TRUST me. you remind me of a few of my fa
PARTY BUDDIES mous friends; well, that all depends on
DRINKING BUDDIES what you qualify as friends. you rem
ATTACHED AT THE HIP ind me of a few of my famous fri
NAME BASIS ends; well, that all depends on what you q
STRANGER ualify as friends. you remind me of a former
JUST MET love, that i once knew and you carry little peac
IMMEDIATE FAMILY e with you. we were holding hands, w
RELATIVE alking through the middle of the street. it's fine
FINAL oh, well imagine, as i'm pacing the pews in a
IN LOVE church corridor and i can't help but to hear
CURRENT no, i can't help but to hear an exchanging
POSSIBLE FUTURE of words. what a beautiful wed
UNREQUITED LOVE ding! what a beautiful wedding!
MUTUAL CRUSH says a bridesmaid to a waiter. and
CRUSH ON ME yes, but what a shame. what a sham
CRUSH ON YOU e, the poor groom's bride is a whore
HOT AND COLD i chime in with a haven't you people e
PAST, ON BAD TERMS ver heard of, closing a goddam
PAST, ON GOOD TERMS n door?! no, it's much better t
PAST, STILL FEELINGS o face these kinds of things wit
SHAMELESS FLIRTING h a sense of poise and rationalit
FLEETING GLANCES y. i chime in haven't you people ev
PAST FLING er heard of closing a goddamn door?! no, it
FUTURE FLING 's much better to face these kinds of thin
SECRET ROMANCE gs with a sense of well in fact well
CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS i'll look at it this way i mean
ONE NIGHT STAND technically our marriage is saved we
SEXUAL TENSION ll this calls for a toast so pour the cham
ON AND OFF pagne. oh well in fact, well i'll look at this wa
LUST y. i mean technically our marriage is saved. well this
PHYSICAL ATTRACTION calls for a toast so pour the cha
FUCK BUDDIES mpagne, pour the champagne. i chime in wi
MAKE-OUT BUDDIES th a haven't you people ever heard of
FORBIDDEN closing a goddamn door?! no it's much better
SECRET to face these things with a sense of poise and ra
I THINK YOU'RE HOT tionality. i chime in haven't you people
YOU THINK I'M HOT ever heard of closing the goddamn do
CHEMISTRY oor?! no it's much better to face these kinds o
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS things with a sense of poise and
ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS rationality. again. i chime in haven
TOP TEN you remind me of a former love that i once
FUCK YOU watch your mouth because your speec
HARDCORE HATRED h is slurred enough. that you j
DISLIKE ust might swallow your tongue. i'm sure yo
RIVALRY u'd want, want to give up the ghost. with
FRIENDLY RIVALRY just a little more poise than that
BACK-STABBED or was it god who chokes in these
CHEATED ON YOU situations, running late? no no he
YOU CHEATED ON ME called in, he called in. or was
PHYSICAL ABUSE it god who chokes in these situat
VERBAL ABUSE ions, running late? no no he called
SEXUAL ABUSE in, he called in. the hospice is a re
ANNOYANCE laxing weekend getaway where you
FORMER FRIENDS 're a cut above all the rest sick a
FRIENDS TURNED ENEMES nd sad patients on first
ENVIOUS name basis with all the top physicians. p
INDIFFERENCE rescribed pills to offset the shakes. t
TOLERANCE o offset the pills. you know you shoul
AVOIDANCE d take it a day at a time. that's when
MISCOMMUNICATION you st-st-stutter something p
FEAR rofound to the support on the line. and with t
LOVE-HATE he way you've been talking, every wo
BY ASSOCIATION rd gets you a step closer to hell.
so, hello there. this plot page was made by
much as remove this copyright,
i think i'll kick your ass. (: or
maybe sue you. i don't know. maybe both?
anyway, end of story. don't rip.